We offer different options for accepting payments.

Direct Bank Deposit/Transfer

The payment can be made directly into our bank account via cash deposit or electronic funds transfer. 

Beneficiary Information

Beneficiary A/c No.: 4901017500062
Beneficiary Address: Biomedicum Research Campus Building, Saptakhel – 09, Balkumari, Chyasal Road, Lalitpur 44700, Nepal

Beneficiary Bank: Nabil Bank Limited
Bank Branch: Sinamangal Branch
Swift Code: NARBNPKA

QR Pay / Scan to Pay

The QR payment can be made using any mobile banking app or e-wallet that supports eSewa, FonePay, Khalti, ConnectIPS, Nepal Pay, Smart QR and/or IME Pay QR payment platforms. 

Step 1: Open the mobile banking app or e-wallet on your mobile device and select the QR Payment option.

Step 2: Scan the QR code displayed here using your mobile device.

Step 3: Enter the registration fee that you are required to pay, mention the participant’s name and ‘ICBB’ in the remarks/details section, and confirm the transaction.

Step 4: After payment confirmation, share the screenshot of the confirmation page or receipt.

Onsite Payment

Only International participants may request the organizers to make the payment of the registration fee onsite. Onsite payment will be accepted only for pre-confirmed participants and is subject to prior agreement between the participant and the organizers.

Please note:


Conference Secretariat
Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology (RIBB)
Biomedicum Research Campus Building,
Saptakhel-9, Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Phone: +977 9841600889 (Suvechhya), +977 9841804369 (Prajwal)
Email: info@icbb.com.np, info@ribb.org.np