Bishesh Khanal is a co-founder, director, and research scientist at NAAMII, Nepal’s leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) research institute. He moved back to Nepal in 2019 after eight years abroad (MSc, PhD in INRIA France; Postdoc at King’s College London and Imperial College London, UK), due to his strong interest in strengthening Nepal’s scientific research and innovation capabilities. He leads a research group within NAAMII, TransfOrming global health with Artificial Intelligence (TOGAI) that has been working on pushing the boundaries of AI and leveraging them to solve some of the important health challenges in Low-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). His research work spans developing affordable low-cost medical imaging AI technologies; introducing AI-powered task-shifting to scale accessibility of health services in primary and community health centres; developing local language AI solutions to improve information and services access at scale, and exploring novel methods for trustworthy and affordable AI methods to enable the development or implementation of target applications in LMICs.

Conference Secretariat
Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology (RIBB)
Biomedicum Research Campus Building,
Saptakhel-9, Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Phone: +977 9841600889 (Suvechhya), +977 9841804369 (Prajwal)