Sergey Mikhaylin, PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Food Sciences, Laval University (Quebec City, Canada). He is a member of the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), the Dairy Research Center (STELA) and the International Associated Laboratory on the Bioproduction of Natural Antimicrobials (LIAAN). He is an associate professor at the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Electromembrane Processes for Improving the Efficiency of Bio-Food Production Lines (PEMECO).
Mikhaylin graduated as a chemistry specialist in 2009 and he obtained a master’s degree in electrochemistry in 2011 at the Kuban State University of (Krasnodar, Russia). He pursued his studies at Laval University (Quebec, Canada) where he obtained a PhD in food science and technology. He completed a postdoctoral internship in the Laboratory of Food Processing and Electromembrane Processes. He was at the heart of several international collaborations: with the French-Russian international associate laboratory MEIPA in 2013, the research laboratory of electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2014 and the laboratory of agro-industrial technologies of the University of Technology of Compiègne in 2016.
Mikhaylin develops his activities in the fields of eco-efficiency and high-voltage electrical treatments applied to the food sector. He studies the environmental impacts and eco-efficiency of food processing using electromembrane technologies in the context of the NSERC Research Industrial Chair.
He is the author of more than 20 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, several of which have a high impact factor (Green Chemistry, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Membrane Science, etc.) and two book chapters in Reference Module in Food Science (Elsevier) and Manual of dairy technology (Presses de l’Université Laval). Mikhaylin is a co-chairman of the international conference GreenFoodTech.